
Historic steam tugboat Dockyard V is back in top condition thanks to cooperation from Rotterdam companies

Published on 10 July 2024

After a nine-month restoration, the historic steam tug Dockyard V was relaunched on July 10 by the floating sheerlegs Matador. The restoration, started in October last year, was made possible by a unique collaboration between several Rotterdam maritime companies. This joint effort has ensured that the more than 70-year-old steam tug is back in top condition.

Extensive restoration

The restoration of the Dockyard V was a large-scale operation. Some of the major work included:

- Renewing the five-year certificate of survey (CVO).
- Renewing the propeller shaft plain bearings.
- Replacing 174 flame and support pipes in the boiler.
- Blasting and repainting of the hull.
- Replacing some hull plates that had become too thin.

Jeroen Holtkamp, volunteer project manager, emphasized that replacing the hull plates was the biggest challenge. Thanks to the extensive maintenance job, the Dockyard V can go on for many years to come. Feel free to visit the website: Dockyard V

Companies involved
This restoration was only possible because of the cooperation of a large number of companies. 

The main parties involved were:

- ROG Ship Repair
- HEBO Maritiemservice
- Bonn & Mees Floating Sheerlegs
- Diving and salvage company W. Smit
- Safe Lifting Europe

Other companies also made crucial contributions, including Eyecatcher, MSR Maritime Shipcleaning Rotterdam, Safelifting, G.I.N., ESS Scaffolding, NedMarine, GBS Gearbox Services Lasercladding Machining, De Kreek Transport, Corrocoat, RascoClemco, Dominial, Onsitealignment, Avezaat, Schmitt Anchors & Chaincables, Sandfirden, Technomotion, Zeeland Refinery, Roodhart Group, Multraship Towage & Salvage, LRQA, Hempel Coatings, Orange Delta, Torricelli, Smederij Meerkerk, Standard Fasel and Stichting Volkskracht Rotterdam.

Future events

The Dockyard V has a permanent berth in Rotterdam's Leuvehaven, but will also regularly sail out for maritime events such as Dordt in Stoom and the World Port Days. It is also possible to book the boat for special cruises.

Rich history of the Dockyard V

The Dockyard V has a rich history. The hull sank in 1942 during World War II before it was fully completed. After the war, it was salvaged and completed in 1947. The steam tug joined the fleet of the Rotterdamse Droogdok Maatschappij and remained active there until 1978. In 1980, the Dockyard V was added to the collection of the Rotterdam Maritime Museum.

K-tainer's commitment

We at K-tainer are proud to have contributed to this special project. Our involvement in the rescue of the Dockyard V underlines our commitment to the preservation of historical maritime heritage. Thanks to the combined efforts of all companies involved, the Dockyard V can once again shine in all its glory and continue to contribute to Rotterdam's rich maritime traditions.

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