Paintball De Basis 010

Paintball center using containers for new location

Everybody enjoys paintball, so there is no surprise K-tainer does too!

A couple of years back, a K-tainer employee attended a bachelor party held at Outdoor Delft, an outside paintball arena, where he was introduced to the arena's owner. Because the K-tainer spirit of helpfulness never leaves us, our colleague mentioned that if Outdoor Delft is ever in need of containers, we would be more than happy to assist them.

Then, in the beginning of this year, when the Outdoor Delft owner was in the process of opening a new paintball location, he remembered meeting a member of the K-tainer team and contacted us to help with his new project. 

Layout of new paintball location

The client's vision was to use 3 containers that would be placed and modified in such a way that they would become both an entertainment area where people can relax and have a drink, and the area in which the operations are held. Of course, because the concept of the new location, De Basis 010 is outdoor activities, creating a shipping container structure was a sustainable, income flexible idea. Furthermore, the containers complement the place and give it a unique touch. 

Modifications of the containers

The containers were therefore modified, making several doors, windows and a special modification for the bar. Afterwards, they were placed in a "U" shape, this way delimitating the paintball field and the entertainment area. 

The collaboration with K-tainer

K-tainer wanted to make the journey of expanding Outdoor Delft's business as easy as possible and to ensure the best quality in the process. 

As we strive for perfection, K-tainer contacted the owner a few weeks after the opening of the new location and verified our work, while also asking our client about the experience of working with K-tainer. The client told us he was very satisfied with the process and the final product we delivered.

We look forward to more projects as this, and to help the entertainment industry with unique and sustainable options for their businesses!

Curious about the possibilities?

Please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to tell you more about the possibilities.

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